Portfolio Review


As photographers we are probably the biggest critics of our own work.

Your portfolio is a representation of you. It’s your online presence and your Shopfront.

It’s also the difference between winning business or missing the chance.

The value of an impartial, trained eye to help streamline your work is a welcome and refreshing experience.

Approximately 90 minutes online one to one, I will work with you to constructively discuss the work you have, offering the insight of what to keep and why to keep it, helping to refine your portfolio.

Just a small, carefully chosen selection of shots are often enough to win business.

Often the images we like personally are not always the ones a Client may choose.



One to One

A specifically designed 90 minute one to one session which focuses entirely on the subjects you choose.

Bespoke, driven by you in the exact areas you wish, to gain tuition, guidance, understanding and feedback from a professional perspective .

The most direct and valuable approach to gaining the maximum return on time spent to learn. 



Group Education


A cost effective solution for enhancing the photography aspect of your business.

In an online age, now more than ever, documenting and advertising your products and services can be done professionally in house.

Educating staff or internalising your photography requirement and enhancing the skills you currently have can elevate the professionalism of the advertising of your business dramatically.

With an initial investment in the education, your business could save significantly in the long run.